Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Dissertation (60 Credit module) | TAR_7_010 | Level 7 | Credits 60 | 2023/24
Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Dissertation (60 Credit module) | TAR_7_010 | Level 7 | Credits 60 | 2023/24
27/09/2023 | Intake Closed
27/09/2023, 04/10/2023, 11/10/2023, 18/10/2023, 25/10/2023, 01/11/2023, 28/05/2024 (Submission), 16/09/2024 (Submission)
28/02/2024 | Intake Closed
28/02/2024, 06/03/2024, 13/03/2024, 20/03/2024, 27/03/2024, 03/04/2024, 04/11/2024 (Submission), 03/02/2025 (Submission)
** Applications will ordinarily close 28 days before start date of a course.


This Dissertation module provides the student with the opportunity to undertake an original enquiry in a chosen area of professional practice. Through the module the student will be able to consolidate and extend their knowledge and understanding of research and evaluation design or of systematic literature reviews. They will be supported to develop the practical skills necessary to plan and carry out their chosen project. Students will be provided with an opportunity to identify major theoretical influences on their salient practice concerns and set these within a critical framework. Additionally, students will be encouraged to cultivate organisational and time management skills, which will be required to successfully accomplish the Dissertation. The Dissertation should be directly related to professional practice. Students will need to attend six planned Dissertation preparation sessions and will additionally be supported through the dissertation by a supervisor. Students will need to attend six planned Dissertation preparation sessions and will additionally be supported through the dissertation by a supervisor.

Available as a standalone module: Yes


Attendance (Please note, this is subject to change for future intakes)

Dates: For attendance information, please see the top of this page and click on ‘attendance dates’. Please note, if the module is full or closed for the intake(s) this academic year, dates may not appear. 

Venue: LSBU Southwark Campus

Typical intake(s): Semester 1 and Semester 2 


Entry requirements

  • Normally a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in an appropriate subject and completion of the relevant taught postgraduate units equivalent to 120 credits Level 7.


Career benefits

On completion of this module (and the MSc/MA award) the student will meet the higher academic requirements for eligibility to apply for higher grade/level professional clinical and academic posts and thus enhance their employability prospects, including the potential for promotion.



12,000 word dissertation on either:

a) A research project

b) A work based project - service evaluation, audit, role evaluation, practice development project c) A mini systematic review - a review that aspires to the rigor of a Cochrane review but recognises the student has time limits and is unlikely to get access to, for example, much grey literature. Some programmes may choose to restrict the types of project allowed for the programme.

Assessment/submission date:  See Under Apply

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding:  

  • Critically discuss the values and assumptions underlying research paradigms and approaches which inform the evidence base of professional practice.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the ethical and governance dimensions of research.
  • Understand how evidence is used in evaluation, audit and policy making and how it influences the research and development agenda.  

Intellectual skills:

  • Undertake in a rigorous manner a major piece of independent work, designed to examine an aspect of professional practice.
  • Transfer research-based knowledge and skills into the development of practice.
  • Critically appraise, analyse and interpret research and other evidence.
  • Disseminate findings in written format. 

Practical Skills:

  • Employ effective strategies, knowledge and the confidence necessary to apply and reflect on theory, research and evidence in the workplace.
  • Employ effective strategies, knowledge and skills necessary to manage a research project or original inquiry. 

Transferable skills:

  • Develop the ability to write a feasible high quality proposal.
  • Demonstrate research skills through the identification, retrieval and critical analysis of published material.
  • Demonstrate oral and written communication skills that enable dissemination of the findings of the project.
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Course Leader
Name: Ibraheim Almalkawi
Face to Face Teaching
18 hours
Learner Hours
73 hours (Blended learning), 500 hours (Student managed learning), 9 hours (1:1 supervision)
Mode of Delivery
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