Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Leading in Patient and Public Engagement | RCN_7_102 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2023/24
Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Leading in Patient and Public Engagement | RCN_7_102 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2023/24
31/01/2024 | Intake Closed
31/01/2024, 14/02/2024, 28/02/2024, 13/03/2024, 20/03/2024, 17/04/2024, 08/05/2024 (CW1), 08/07/2024 (Resit)
** Applications will ordinarily close 28 days before start date of a course.

  • 3904 - MSc Leadership and Service Improvement in Health Care (includes PgCert/PgDip options)
  • 5308 - Postgraduate Diploma Leadership and Service Improvement in Health Care (Top-up)

Patient and Public Engagement (PPE) is central to the Government's policy agenda for health and social care. Current NHS policy places patients and their experience at the centre of the health care system. Since 2001, this has been formalised as a statutory duty to involve and consult the public and an increasing body of evidence has reinforced the benefits which can result from this. The recent review by Lord Darzi in 2008 emphasised the need to give patients and the public better information, more control and influence. Further, the NHS Constitution emphasised patients' rights. Emphasis on service user engagement in the broader context has been also given in social and integrated care.

Available as a standalone module: Yes


Attendance (Please note, this is subject to change for future intakes)

Dates: For attendance information, please see the top of this page and click on ‘attendance dates’. Please note, if the module is full or closed for the intake(s) this academic year, dates may not appear. 

Venue: LSBU Southwark Campus

Typical intake(s): Semester 2


Entry requirements

  • Students will normally hold a first degree in a health or social care related subject and have a current professional qualification.

  • Student support for studying at Masters level should be discussed with the module leader. Students who have not previously undertaken study at academic Level 7 (Masters level) are advised to consider the workshop: Preparation for Masters Level Study, this can be found and applied for on the CPPD prospectus. 


Career benefits

Students will be employed in health and social care services. This programme will enhance the students understanding of PPE and how this can be applied in their employment settings. This will benefit the students in terms of career progression and it will benefit the employer in terms of PPE leadership and service improvement.



  • 4,000 word assignment

Assessment/submission date: See Under Apply


Learning outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding:   

  • Develop a critical understanding of the philosophical and historical basis of PPE
  • Develop an awareness and understanding of how patients’ experiences may support development of services
  • Develop an understand of the impact of empowerment of individual’s management of their health status
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of current PPE policy issues and strategies
  • Identify and critically evaluate leadership styles and healthcare leadership models appropriate for the strategic development of PPE

Intellectual skills:

  • Critically appraise skills relevant to patient experience, PPE policies and strategies
  • Critically evaluate leadership approaches to PPE

 Practical Skills:

  • Develop practical skills in measuring patient experiences
  • Develop strategies to meet the practical challenges of implementing PPE 

 Transferable skills:

  • Evaluation of services with Patient, Public Engagement in mind
  • Collaborative working with patients and service users  
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Course Leader
Name: Dr David Newbold
Face to Face Teaching
18 hours
Learner Hours
32 hours (Blended learning), 150 hours (Student managed learning)
Mode of Delivery
Onsite and online
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