Life & Medical Sciences
Application Portal
Service Development Project | 7LMS0266 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Life & Medical Sciences
Application Portal
Service Development Project | 7LMS0266 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
02/10/2024 | Semester A | Available
02/10/2024 (Face to Face), 06/11/2024 (Online), 04/12/2024 (Online)
14/05/2025 | Semester C | Available
14/05/2025 (Face to Face), 18/06/2025 (Online), 09/07/2025 (Online)

  • LMHMSIMSC - MSc Health and Medical Simulation/PG Cert in Health and Medical Simulation
  • LMHMEMSC - MSc/PG Cert Health and Medical Education
  • LMSLMSC - MSc Skin Lesion Management
  • LMSIWMSC - MSc Skin Integrity and Wound Management
  • LMCDMSC - MSc Clinical Dermatology
  • LMPPPGD - PgDip Pharmacy Practice (Top-up to MSc)

This module has been designed to enable students to demonstrate an extensive, detailed and critical understanding of health care related project management from both academic and professional perspectives. It will enable you to engage in independent study in order to undertake a comprehensive project plan for the introduction of a change, which will be of value to your area of work. The project will be an analysis of an issue related to your professional discipline, which will require you to explore critically the relevant literature, developing new insights and perspectives. Ideally, this should be a proposal for a project you wish to implement in the future.

Key content is delivered face to face and online on 3 days teaching to guide you through this project. You will also be supported by an individual supervisor but as this project is the final module for the majority of students it represents a culmination of the knowledge and skills learnt during your postgraduate studies and is student led. Some sessions will be live to encourage participation and exchange of ideas but will be recorded so they can be viewed at a later date.     

This module has been designed to enable students to undertake this module as the final part of all Master’s programmes offered by the School of Postgraduate Medicine.





Course Notes

Students will be given the opportunity to participate in online lectures, and group supervision tutorials. The key elements of this project are:

• Defining the project purpose and scope;

• Developing a clear project plan including an evalation plan to monitor the success of the project;

• The application of change management theory to optimise successful project outcomes;

• Consideration of the implications of leadership attributes and team dynamics to ensure project effectiveness;

• Creation of a dissemination strategy to ensure widespread awareness of the project

You will be expected to:

• demonstrate critical appraisal skills including critical analysis, synthesis and application to practice

• Refine academic writing skills including integrating text from a variety of sources and selecting and shaping information into a clearly written and well organised proposal

Venue: The 1st day is face to face at the University of Hertfordshire, College Lane Campus, Hatfield, Hertys. AL10 9AB. 2 out of 3 days are taught online. 

This module leader is Rebecca Penzer-Hick - for further information please contact her at r.penzer-hick@herts.ac.uk 

Madeleine Flanagan is Programme Lead for MSc Dermatology - m.flanagan@herts.ac.uk and Kathy Radley is Programme Lead for MSc Skin Lesion Management - k.radley@herts.ac.uk


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Course Leader
Name: Rebecca Penzer-Hick
Tel: 01707 288612
Name: Donna Rowsell
Tel: 01707 284800


The price quoted above is per 30 credits and relates to self-funding students assessed as UK students for fee purposes Prices may differ for students that are assessed as Overseas, or for returning students that are on a course leading to an award award e.g. MSc as module fees stay the same as they were in your year of entry to the programme. Click here for Fees and Funding information or email us. To obtain a PG student loan, you must sign up for the whole MSc programme and not just an individual module.

Mode of Delivery
Blended Learning
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