This course can only be taken as part of a programme
Enable practitioners to critically reflect on their learning and professional experience and utilize identified knowledge to produce a portfolio of evidence that will demonstrate substantial leadership, autonomy and innovation in the four pillars of advanced practice.
i) A first degree; normally 2:2 or above; or equivalent study
ii) Current registration with the NMC or HCPC or other relevant PSRB
iii) Relevant post-qualifying experience or equivalent, with evidence of study post-qualifying /initial registration, this study providing the underpinning knowledge and skills required for the development of a specialist role/practice
iv) Currently working no less than 20 hours per week within an appropriate role with relevant experience
v) Agreement from their manager that they are in a role that facilitates any required assessment of clinical practice.
vi) Applicants who do not have English as their first language must demonstrate an IELTS score of at least 7 (University requirement for non-EU students only).
Production of a Portfolio of Evidence - 100% LO - 1,2,3,4. Pass mark - 50%
The word length is negotiable depending upon the level and substantive nature of the evidence provided. The portfolio will be equivalent to 5000 words. Actual contents vary from learner to learner but should show the ability to extrapolate appropriate substantial evidence and reflection.
The portfolio will consist of four reflective commentaries, one for each pillar of advanced clinical practice.
Each commentary will be supported by evidence to substantiate the learning being discussed. All elements of summative assessment must be passed to pass the module.
Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning: Weekly on line activities on which feedback will be given. Moderator’s on-line discussion forums (one for each aspect for each portfolio’s production).
On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
1. Purposefully reflect on their clinical practice and their role as an advanced clinical practitioner.
2. Critically appraise their experience to identify significant learning in practice in the domains of clinical practice, leadership and management, education and research.
3. Deconstruct and reconstruct their professional practice to validate the interrelationships of their knowledge derived from experience and scholarship.
4. Demonstrate original and innovative advanced clinical practice through the production of a portfolio of evidence.