Faculty of Education, Health and Human Sciences
Application Portal
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice | P13847-(OfS), P13848-(DoH) | Level 7 | Credits 180 | 2024/25
Faculty of Education, Health and Human Sciences
Application Portal
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice | P13847-(OfS), P13848-(DoH) | Level 7 | Credits 180 | 2024/25
25th September 2024
** Applications will ordinarily close 14 days before start date of a course.

  • OMED-1382 - Assessment and Decision Making Skills for Advanced Clinical Practice
  • BUSI-1697 - Leading and Managing Complexity for Advanced Clinical Practice
  • OMED-1383 - Work Based Learning One: Developing Advanced Clinical Skills through Work Based Learning
  • OMED-1384 - Enquiry Skills for Research in Health and Care Practice
  • PHAM-1149 - Non-Medical Prescribing (NMP) Practice
  • BUSI-1698 - Advanced Leadership and Management
  • OMED-1385 - Advanced Clinical Practice through Work Based Learning
  • OMED-1386 - Health and Care Practice Dissertation
  • RESE-1159 - The Dynamics of Dissemination: Publishing, Promoting and Performing your Studies
  • OMED-1393 - Teaching, Supervision and Assessment in Advanced Practice

Application deadline 9th August 2024

Programme starts date: 25th September 2024


The programme is aimed at practitioners holding registration with a professional body, who wish to become advanced clinical practitioners and who have been identified as having the capability and potential to work at this level. This is a 3-5 year part-time programme. It is intended that the programme will provide opportunities for career progression through promotion and/or service recognition schemes to that of employment in the role of advanced clinical practitioner.

This is a Master’s course that encompasses the four pillars of clinical practice, leadership and management, education and research. At the end of the course, the practitioner will be able to demonstrate core capabilities and specific clinical competencies to manage complex clinical care using innovative solutions in partnership with individuals, families and carers in the context of interprofessional working teams across a range of settings.

Studying our MSc Advanced Clinical Practice will offer you opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge in order to pursue a career as an advanced health clinical practitioner. Upon
completion of the programme you will be able to work at the level of advanced clinical practice and exercise autonomy and decision-making within complex situations with varying levels of risk. You will feel confident in applying your expertise and decision making skills to act as a clinical role model and advocate for developing and delivering high quality care, which is responsive to an ever evolving health and social care landscape.

APPLICATION DEADLINE is 9th August 2024 for September 2024 intake. It is recommended that your funding for the study fee is confirmed and applications are submitted before the deadline.

Apprenticeship Application in MSc Advanced Clinical Practice

Those who want to follow the apprenticeship route need to have employer agreement and should contact Caroline Marshall, Apprenticeship Manager, on email Caroline.Marshall@greenwich.ac.uk for further information and making an application. Apprenticeships should NOT apply via this webpage.

Programme Structure

This course has been designed around the four pillars of Advanced Clinical Practice and their capabilities:

  1. Clinical Practice
  2. Leadership and Management
  3. Education
  4. Research

What modules will I study?

Year 1

Core Modules:

  • Assessment and Decision Making Skills for Advanced Clinical Practice (20 Credits; Level 7)
  • Leading and Managing Complexity Practice (20 Credits; Level 7)
  • Work Based Learning One: Developing Advanced Clinical Skills through Work Based Learning (20 Credits; Level 7).

Year 2

Core Module:

  • OMED 1384 - Enquiry Skills for Research in Health and Care Practice (20 Credits; Level 7)

Optional Modules:

  • PHAM 1149 - Non-Medical Prescribing (NMP) Practice (40 Credits; Level 7); OR
  • BUSI 1698 - Advanced Leadership and Management (40 Credits; Level 7); OR
  • OMED 1385 - Advanced Clinical Practice through Work Based Learning (40 Credits; Level 7)

Year 3

Core Module:

  • OMED 1386 - Health and Care Practice Dissertation (40 Credits at level 7). Within this module students will draw upon the skills and knowledge developed in the previous modules and make a contribution to service development by choosing one of five possible options:
  1. Empirical research
  2. Modified systematic review
  3. Audit or service evaluation
  4. Critical review of literature
  5. Clinical Project

Optional Modules:

  • RESE 1159 - The Dynamics of Dissemination: Publishing, Promoting and Performing your studies (20 Credits; Level 7) OR
  • OMED 1393 - Teaching, Supervision and Assessment in Advanced Practice (20 Credits; Level 7)

For those on the Apprenticeship route:

  • OMED 1387 - Consolidating Advanced Practice: End Point Assessment (20 Credits: Level 7)
Applicants interested in this programme must have the required experience and qualifications according to the nature of their scope and context of their practice, role and profession. Applicants are expected to have successfully completed a Level 6 programme of study and have the required experience within a specified scope of practice:
  • A first degree; normally 2:2 or above; or equivalent study.
  • Current registration with the NMC or HCPC or other relevant PSRB.
  • Relevant post-qualifying experience or equivalent, with evidence of study post-qualifying or initial registration, this study providing the underpinning knowledge and skills required for the developmentof a specialist role/practice.
  • Currently working no less than 20 hours per weekwithin an appropriate role with relevant experience.
  • Agreement from their manager that they are in a role that facilitates any required assessment of clinical practice.
  • Applicants who do not have English as their first language must demonstrate an IELTS score of at least 7 (University requirement for non-EU students only)
  • Degrees and other courses
  • We will consider claims for Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) or Recognised Prior Experiential
    Learning (RPEL). You will need inform us that you wish to apply for RPL at application stage.

You can find out more from our Recognition of Prior Learning Common Questions webapge webpage.

Applications for Recognised Prior Experiential Learning will need to be supported with a portfolio to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes for the course against which the credits are being claimed.

Learning Outcomes
  • You will be equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and expertise to provide clinical leadership, be adaptable and flexible in your approach to your role, and able to provide support, education and mentorship/supervision to less-experienced colleagues.
  • You will also have opportunities for career progression through promotion and/or service recognition schemes. While there is no universally recognised definition, the NHS Career Framework equates advanced practice to Agenda for Change Level 7.
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Course Leader
Name: Dr Jane Matonhodze
Mode of Delivery
Classroom teaching
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