Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Enhancing Practice Through Work Based Learning | WBL_7_001 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2023/24
Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Enhancing Practice Through Work Based Learning | WBL_7_001 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2023/24
28/09/2023 | ACP Only | Intake Closed
28/09/2023, 19/10/2023, 16/11/2023, 11/01/2024 (Assessment), 25/03/2024 (Resit)
30/01/2024 | ACP Only | Intake Closed
30/01/2024, 27/02/2024, 19/03/2024, 14/05/2024 (Assessment), 08/07/2024 (Resit)
31/01/2024 | Intake Closed
31/01/2024, 28/02/2024, 20/03/2024, 15/05/2024 (Assessment), 08/07/2024 (Resit)
01/02/2024 | ACP Only | Intake Closed
01/02/2024, 29/02/2024, 21/03/2024, 16/05/2024 (Assessment), 08/07/2024 (Resit)
** Applications will ordinarily close 28 days before start date of a course.

  • 5537 - MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (Adult)
  • 3904 - MSc Leadership and Service Improvement in Health Care (includes PgCert/PgDip options)
  • 5308 - Postgraduate Diploma Leadership and Service Improvement in Health Care (Top-up)
  • 5535 - MSc/PgDip Advanced Clinical Practice (Child)
  • 5533 - MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (Mental Health)


This module is work based learning module, consisting of an agreed plan of learning for an area/topic of the student's choice, negotiated between the student and module leader. Learning from this plan is student managed with tutorial support from the module leader.

Available as a standalone module: Yes


Attendance (Please note, this is subject to change for future intakes)


Dates: For attendance information, please see the top of this page and click on ‘attendance dates’. Please note, if the module is full or closed for the intake(s) this academic year, dates may not appear. 

Venue: LSBU Southwark Campus

Typical intake(s): This module is provided for both CPD OPEN students and Advanced Clinical Practice students as part of their course through difference occurrences. Please apply for the one that applies to you.

Entry requirements

  • Student support for studying at Masters level should be discussed with the module leader. Students who have not previously undertaken study at academic Level 7 (Masters level) are advised to consider the workshop provided by the Libary at LSBU.


Career benefits

The module seeks to provide the student with focus and direction for personal expansion of practice knowledge and expertise.

It aims to enable the practitioner to develop a broader knowledge of a practice based topic of interest and personal planning skills to enable future development in a direction that meets practice and workforce needs of the future.  A major focus of this module, therefore, is the enhancement of existing skills and development of new ones appropriate to their current employment status. 



There are 3 elements to this assessment. The learning contract must be submitted, and the other two elements must be passed:

  • Learning contract 
  • Reflective narrative component - 1600 words     
  • Report of evidence - 2400 words         

All elements of assessment must be passed to pass this module.  

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding:   

  • Demonstrate a sound, evidence based rationale for the selection of the topic chosen and critically appraise the literature pertinent to this topic
  • Critically evaluate how the new knowledge will impact on future practice and future workforce needs

Intellectual skills:

  • Critically examine an area of practice and demonstrate an understanding of the current political drivers and barriers towards this topic
  • Critically evaluate how their new knowledge will impact on future practice and future workforce needs.   
  • Critically analyse and evaluate their role in practice in relation to the chosen topic, identifying both abilities and limitations

Practical Skills:

  • Negotiate a minimum of three learning outcomes with the module coordinator and evaluate the extent to which they have been met
  • Develop a structured plan of learning using SMART objectives
  • Demonstrate critical reflection both on the process of this work based learning episode and the outcomes  

Transferable skills:

  • Develop a structure realistic plan of learning
  • Develop and enhance time management skills
  • Develop and enhance skills of prioritisation and negotiation
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Course Leader
Name: Miss Wendy York
Face to Face Teaching
4 hours
Learner Hours
46 hours (Blended learning), 150 hours (Student managed learning)
Mode of Delivery
Onsite and online
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