Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Research in Health and Social Care | TAR_7_011 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2023/24
Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Research in Health and Social Care | TAR_7_011 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2023/24
20/09/2023 | Intake Closed
20/09/2023, 04/10/2023, 18/10/2023, 01/11/2023, 15/11/2023, 29/11/2023
29/01/2024 | Intake Closed
29/01/2024, 12/02/2024, 26/02/2024, 11/03/2024, 25/03/2024, 15/04/2024
** Applications will ordinarily close 28 days before start date of a course.


The purpose of this module is to consolidate and extend students' knowledge of research approaches and methods and enhance their ability to be critical users of research evidence. The module examines philosophical and theoretical perspectives underpinning health and social care research approaches including exploration of research design and key aspects of data gathering and interpretation of both qualitative and quantitative analyses. The module will develop practical skills for identifying, critically reviewing and synthesising research evidence relevant to professional practice. Please note: this module is taught face to face.

Available as a standalone module: Yes


Attendance (Please note, this is subject to change for future intakes)

Dates: For attendance information, please see the top of this page and click on ‘attendance dates’. Please note, if the module is full or closed for the intake(s) this academic year, dates may not appear. 

Venue: LSBU Southwark Campus

Typical intake(s): Semester 1 and Semester 2


Entry requirements

  • Normally a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in an appropriate subject
  • Student support for studying at Masters level is to be discussed with the pathway advisor. Students who have not previously undertaken study at academic Level 7 (Masters level) are advised to consider the workshop: Preparation for Masters Level Study, which can be found on the CPPD prospectus.


Career benefits

Given the increasing requirement for practice in the health and social care professions to be evidence based and this evidence being largely generated by research, it can be assumed that the candidate's employment opportunities will be enhanced on completion of a research module such as this. Furthermore, now that the entry level qualification for most health and social care professions is a Bachelor’s Degree, on completion of postgraduate study the student will meet the higher academic requirements for eligibility to apply for higher grade/level professional clinical and academic posts and thus enhance their employability prospects.



  •  4,000 words assignment

Assessment/submission date: TBC


Learning outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding:       

  • Recognise and discuss the contemporary philosophical issues, challenges and innovations relating to research approaches
  • Understand and critically discuss the principles of quantitative and qualitative research methods and their application
  • Comprehensive understanding of the critical appraisal process and a range of different critical appraisal tools

Intellectual skills:

  • Critically evaluate the potential contribution of a variety of methods in answering health and social care research questions
  • Critically appraise and analyse published research reports independently 

Practical Skills:

  • Demonstrate effective information retrieval skills using appropriate databases
  • Demonstrate critical appraisal skills requiring the use of appropriate tools
  • Demonstrate appropriate skills in writing up the critical appraisal process and conclusions  

Transferable skills:

  • The ability to analyse and synthesise research evidence which underpins professional practice
  • Identification of appropriate research evidence and ways of applying this in order to inform and ultimately improve practice
  • Demonstration of effective written skills


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Course Leader
Name: Prof Chris Flood
Face to Face Teaching
36 hours
Learner Hours
30 hours (Blended learning), 134 hours (Student managed learning)
Mode of Delivery
Onsite and online
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