Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Foundations in Neonatal Care | HCN_7_008 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2023/24
Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Foundations in Neonatal Care | HCN_7_008 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2023/24
03/10/2023 | Available
03/10/2023, 04/10/2023, 05/10/2023, 10/10/2023, 11/10/2023, 12/10/2023, 24/10/2023 (Submission), 05/01/2024 (Resit)
** Applications will ordinarily close 28 days before start date of a course.

  • 5535 - MSc/PgDip Advanced Clinical Practice (Child)

The major focus of this module of study will be the holistic assessment of the preterm/ sick new-born infant and their family. Application of essential physiology of the major body systems and the systematic assessment of the preterm/sick new-born infant will be achieved by the students in order to provide evidence based care. The student will be able to critically discuss the key factors which contribute to prematurity, illness and the outcome in the antenatal, intra-partum and post-natal period and act accordingly as deemed appropriate.

Available as a standalone module: Yes - applicants also need to complete the module Care of the Sick Neonate (HCN_6_004) to achive the neonatal Qualified in Speciality (QIS). 


Attendance (Please note, this may be subject to change)

Dates: For attendance information, please see the top of this page and click on ‘attendance dates’. Please note, if the module is full or closed for the intake(s) this academic year, dates may not appear. 

Venue: LSBU Southwark Campus

Typical intake(s): Semester 1 


Entry requirements

240 Credit points of which no more than 120 are at level 5 and no less than 120 at level 6 or equivalent. In exceptional circumstances if an individual has evidence of recent professional learning they may enter with 60 Credit points at level 6 or equivalent.


Career benefits

This module provides focus and direction for practitioners who wish to develop their career specifically with neonates. The module therefore allows students to develop their current practice and prepare for future roles, supporting their employability and career progression.



  • Element 1 - Practice based competencies.
  • Element 2 - 3,500 word critical analysis.

Both elements of the assessment must be passed in order to pass this module overall.

Assessment/submission date: 18th December 2019


Learning outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding:       

  • Synthesise knowledge and understanding of the developmental and physiological differences in preterm and term infants, and explain the implications for care.

Intellectual skills:

  • Critically analyse the reasons for a preterm/sick infant being admitted to a Neonatal Unit (NNU), providing a rationale for possible interventions.
  • Critically evaluate the evidence underpinning the care of the preterm/sick neonate.

Practical Skills:

  • Critically analyse the importance of performing a systematic physical assessment of the preterm/ sick infant, planning and prioritising care appropriately in conjunction with the multi-disciplinary team.
  • Manage and deliver a safe and optimal standard of care to the preterm/sick new-born infant and their family.

Transferable skills:

  • Ability to work in partnership with families and multidisciplinary team.
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Course Leader
Name: Mr Valance Hughes
Face to Face Teaching
30 hours
Learner Hours
15 hours (Blended learning), 145 hours (Student managed learning)
Mode of Delivery
Onsite and online
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