Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Clinical Complexity in Advanced Practice (Infants, children and young people) | ACP_7_018 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2023/24
Health & Social Care
Application Portal
Clinical Complexity in Advanced Practice (Infants, children and young people) | ACP_7_018 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2023/24
21/09/2023 | Intake Closed
21/09/2023, 28/09/2023, 05/10/2023, 12/10/2023, 19/10/2023, 26/10/2023, 02/11/2023, 09/11/2023, 16/11/2023, 23/11/2023, 30/11/2023, 07/12/2023, 02/01/2024 (CW), 10/01/2024 (Examination), 11/01/2024 (Examination)
** Applications will ordinarily close 28 days before start date of a course.

  • 5535 - MSc/PgDip Advanced Clinical Practice (Child)

This module will explore clinical complexity, which is a multi-dimensional concept that can stem from the practitioner, the setting, the patient and uncertainty that arises from the patients’ symptoms that can have multiple potential causes. For example, the survival rates of childhood cancer are increasing, but also resulting in greater co-morbidities, complex management and poly-pharmacy across the specialities. This module will consolidate the modules previously studied and challenge the student further for their autonomous role.

This module also facilitates achievement of a number of enhanced skills and capabilities required for children’s advanced practice.  It will also develop students who are able to meet the needs for a flexible workforce that is able to respond to the changing patterns of service.   Successful completion of this module will therefore result in a student who can demonstrate knowledge and skills that are currently in high demand with existing and emerging services in health care, enabling them to practice safely and effectively as an autonomous practitioner.

Aim of the module:

  • To enable students to develop, implement and evaluate safe and appropriate management plans for infants, children and young people up to the age of 18 presenting with common acute and long term complex health problems within their specific area of practice. 

Available as a standalone module: No 


Attendance: For attendance information, please see the top of this page or click on "APPLY NOW" to see attendance dates. Please note, if the module is full or closed for the intake(s) this academic year, dates may not appear. 


Typical intake(s): Semester 2


Venue: Southwark 


Entry requirements:



  • Current registration as health care professional with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) or The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)
  • A minimum of 3 years post-registration experience on entry to the module 


  • Currently have at least 50% of their role working with infants, children and young people up to the age of 18
  • Employed* for a minimum of 30 hours per week in one relevant clinical environment, with access to appropriate clinical support and supervision for the development of knowledge and skills to an advanced level.  *This excludes students who are working in a locum or agency basis.   
  • Applicants must also be able to demonstrate employer support for all of the following (even where individuals are self-funding): 
  • Support for development of the applicant to an advanced level within the workplace while on the module, to enable evolution of the scope of practice and responsibilities 
  • Willingness to release the student to enable them to dedicate regular time throughout the module (in addition to attendance at the university) as protected learning time to enable the student to work in a 'supernumerary capacity' to focus on their clinical/professional development evidenced by completion of the Practice Based Learning record.
  • Able to support the student to organise for a Doctor/qualified Advanced Practitioner to act as their designated "Practice Facilitator" to initially supervise and support the applicants overall clinical development and facilitate completion of specified practice-based learning activities. Sign off for specific aspects of learning is required (this responsibility can be shared with other senior experienced clinical colleagues however nomination of an overall Practice Facilitator is required). 
  • Provision of day-to-day supervision and support by an experienced clinical team to enable the development of the knowledge, skills, behaviours, competence and confidence commensurate with this level of practice.


Completion of the following modules:  “Children’s Applied Clinical Physiology”,  “Children’s Advanced Assessment Skills”, “Children’s Clinical Reasoning and Diagnostic Skills” and Non-Medical Prescribing course or “Enhancing Practice through Work Based learning”


Career benefits:

This module will enhance your clinical knowledge and skills in caring for CYP with a cardiac condition; as well as develop your critical analysis and reflective abilities. It is likely to enable career progression through enhancing care delivery to CYP with a cardiac condition.   



Formative assessment:

  1. Submission of one element of evidence from the clinical portfolio with associated reflective analysis. They will receive individual feedback on their writing style and referencing technique to support their final summative assignment 
  2. Students will undertake “mock” OSCEs during the OSCE workshop and receive feedback on their strengths and areas for development to inform their preparation for the summative assessment. 
  3. Students have the opportunity to take part in presentation of a complex case presentation eg via E poster, for formative peer and lecturer feedback

Summative assessment:

There are two elements, both need to be passed to be awarded credit for this module:  

1. EX1: Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) (Pass/Fail) comprising of one 30 minute station using a complex patient scenario designed to test competence in the following aspects: history taking, physical examination, clinical reasoning, therapeutic communication, interpretation and provision of an investigation result, education and formulation of an appropriate management plan with a patient/carer.  

2. CW1: Clinical Portfolio (Reflection/analysis to account for 2,500 words) (100% Weighting) (Pass mark 50%)  

Students will be required to collate and present a range of evidence using Direct Observation of Practice, Case based Discussions and Mini Clinical Examination templates, to demonstrate they have achieved all of the learning outcomes for the module.   Students can choose the specific competencies that they will demonstrate according to their area of practice and patient group.  Further information will be provided in a Clinical Portfolio guide. 


Service-user (young adult, parent, carer or family) feedback will required within the portfolio, to demonstrate that the student has sought feedback on their interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism and overall effectiveness of their consultations.  


The Portfolio will include submission of a Practice Based Learning Record comprising of four sections, all of which must be completed to pass this element of assessment: 


  1. Certified clinical hours log demonstrating the minimum specified hours of supervised clinical development activity has occurred during the semester [Direct supervision]
  2. Confirmation of suitable employment during the semester in which supported application of new learning to practice has occurred amounting to a minimum of 180 hours [Indirect supervision] 
  3. Identification and completion of an individual practice based learning objective with self-reflection on progress and feedback from the Practice Facilitator 
  4. Student progress evaluation form with general comments, plans for further development and specific feedback on competence in relation to the learning outcomes for the module.


Learning outcomes:


Knowledge and Understanding:


  • Systematically draw on a comprehensive in-depth knowledge base to provide holistic evidence-based episodes of care for infants, children and young people up to the age of 18 with a broad range of common acute and long term complex physical and mental health problems 
  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of anatomy, physiology, patho-physiology, and pharmacokinetics when providing a differential diagnosis and management plan for a presenting infant, child or young person up to the age of 18 


Intellectual Skills:


  • Critically appraise and synthesise evidence from a wide variety of resources, including local policy, national and international guidelines,  to inform the use of therapeutic interventions, pro-actively monitor the impact and/or make timely and appropriate referrals where appropriate


Practical Skills:


  • Demonstrate competence in safe and evidence-based holistic individualised screening, assessment and pro-active management of infant, children and young people up to the age of 18 experiencing existing and potential health problems of a common acute and/or long term nature within each of the following categories: eyes, ears, nose, throat, skin, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, neurological, endocrine (including growth and development), renal, sexual health and mental health, including proficiency in prioritising care, making referrals and documenting appropriately


  • Critically evaluate and selectively apply suitable theoretical perspectives and skills to support effective communication and education with a range of stake holders, including parents, carers, families and agencies, in both straight forward and complex clinical situations


  • Plan, manage and critically evaluate complex and unpredictable events by working in partnership within a multi-professional and multi-agency context


Transferable Skills:


  • Critically evaluate and demonstrate expertise as a reflective-practitioner through compilation of a portfolio of evidence


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Course Leader
Name: Mrs Kvetoslava Kocsisova
Face to Face Teaching
33 hours
Learner Hours
14 hours (blended learning), 150 hours (Student managed learning)
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