Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Team Leadership and Management in Primary and Community Settings | 7HSK2148 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Team Leadership and Management in Primary and Community Settings | 7HSK2148 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
24/01/2025 | Semester B | Intake Full
24/01/2025, 31/01/2025, 07/02/2025, 14/02/2025, 21/02/2025, 28/02/2025, 07/03/2025, 14/03/2025, 21/03/2025, 28/03/2025, 04/04/2025

  • HSCSNGPPGD - Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing (General Practice Nursing) & Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing with Integrated Prescribing (General Practice Nursing)
  • HSCSNIPDNPGD - Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing with Integrated Prescribing (District Nursing)
  • HSCSNIPCCPGD - Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing with Integrated Prescribing (Community Children’s Nursing)

The aims of this module are to enable students to oversee services and skilfully coordinate the care of individuals, groups or assigned caseloads of patients to manage specific risks associated with their designated field of specialist community nursing practice and care setting; and to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to lead and manage teams.


Assessment: Presentation of a service innovation which students could take forward and implement in practice 70%.

Reflective account of leadership 30%.


Learning Outcomes
  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of evidence-based quality improvement initiatives and decision-making within both the interdisciplinary team and interagency setting.
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of leadership encompassing principles of inclusivity and compassionate leadership when managing community nursing, interdisciplinary and interagency teams.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the skills and tools required to effectively manage and lead others, applying appropriate leadership principles and strategies to achieve organisational objectives.
  • Critically evaluate the change management processes necessary to effect service innovation and understand the importance of actively engaging stakeholders.
  • Demonstrate the ability to analyse and synthesise data, policy evaluation, and stakeholder engagement demonstrating effective leadership.
  • Develop a systematic understanding of persuasive techniques to influence stakeholders, as well as demonstrate data-driven decision-making and financial acumen within  community and primary care.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify and resolve conflicts in the planning and delivery of care, utilising negotiation and advocacy skills to reach mutually acceptable solutions.
  • Demonstrate the ability to mitigate and manage risks associated with providing care in a diverse community setting.
  • Demonstrate the ability to service as ambassadors and role models, positively influencing the profession through the application of emotional intelligence.
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct personal analysis or self-reflection, utilising critical thinking skills to assess and analyse individual strengths, weaknesses and areas for personal and professional development.


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Course Leader
Name: Mrs Theresa Titchener
Tel: 01707 824800
Name: Allison Riley
Tel: 01707 824800
Learner Hours
Scheduled 30 Independent 270
Mode of Delivery
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