Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Promoting Health and Prevention of Ill Health in the Community | 7HSK2150 | Level 7 | Credits 15 | 2024/25
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Promoting Health and Prevention of Ill Health in the Community | 7HSK2150 | Level 7 | Credits 15 | 2024/25
26/09/2024 | Semester A | Intake Full
26/09/2024, 03/10/2024, 10/10/2024, 17/10/2024, 24/10/2024, 31/10/2024, 07/11/2024, 14/11/2024, 21/11/2024, 28/11/2024, 05/12/2024
** Applications will ordinarily close 14 days before start date of a course.

  • HSCSNGPPGD - Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing (General Practice Nursing) & Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing with Integrated Prescribing (General Practice Nursing)
  • HSCSNIPDNPGD - Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing with Integrated Prescribing (District Nursing)
  • HSCSNIPCCPGD - Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing with Integrated Prescribing (Community Children’s Nursing)

The aims of this module are to enable students to foster knowledge and understanding of health promotion, health protection and the prevention of illness within the context of contemporary health policy and the underlying political agenda.  Its goal is to enhance self-management and independence across various fields of practice, lifespan stages and aspects of health and social care.


 Undertake a health needs assessment of a defined population in which they are working.  Devise an intervention for a health promotion priority identified in the health needs assessment.

Learning Outcomes
  • Critically examine the principles underlying public health and health promotion, prevention and surveillance, as well as factors that can impact on health inequalities and health patterns.
  •  Examine the application of health promotion throughout the life course, taking into account diversity, beliefs, culture, values and the personal choices of individuals.
  •  Recognise strategies for assisting individuals in managing their own physical, mental, behavioural health and wellbeing, aligning these with both national and local policies as well as the current public health agenda.
  • Critically evaluate a range of data sets that describe the health of the population that includes epidemiology, morbidity, mortality and the wider determinants of health.
  • Critically evaluate the effectiveness of community health needs assessment as a method for engaging people who use the service to enable the strategic planning of initiatives that are aimed at improving health and preventing diseases within communities.
  • Demonstrate a biopsychosocial approach in facilitating health education and health promotion activities in a person-centred way to children, young people, individuals and families.
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Course Leader
Name: Mrs Theresa Titchener
Tel: 01707 824800
Name: Allison Riley
Tel: 01707 824800
Learner Hours
Scheduled 30 Independent 120
Mode of Delivery
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