Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Practice Development in Specialist Community Nursing | 7HSK2151 | Level 7 | Credits 15 | 2024/25
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Practice Development in Specialist Community Nursing | 7HSK2151 | Level 7 | Credits 15 | 2024/25
27/09/2024 | Semesters ABC | Intake Full
27/09/2024, 04/10/2024, 11/10/2024, 18/10/2024, 25/10/2024, 01/11/2024, 08/11/2024, 15/11/2024, 22/11/2024, 29/11/2024, 06/12/2024, 12/06/2024, 13/12/2024
** Applications will ordinarily close 14 days before start date of a course.

  • HSCSNGPPGD - Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing (General Practice Nursing) & Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing with Integrated Prescribing (General Practice Nursing)
  • HSCSNIPDNPGD - Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing with Integrated Prescribing (District Nursing)
  • HSCSNIPCCPGD - Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing with Integrated Prescribing (Community Children’s Nursing)

The aims of this module are to enable students to demonstrate a critical, systematic, research and evidence-based approach to specialist community nursing practice in primary care and community settings. To successfully achieve the standards of proficiency for registration as a Community Nurse Specialist Practitioner in line with the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s Standards of Proficiency for Community Nursing Specialist Practice Qualifications (2022).


Must be a student on the Specialist Community Nursing programme.


The Practice Assessment Document (PAD) is a portfolio of documentation supporting the achievement of the NMC Standards of Proficiency for Community Nursing Specialist Practice and programme outcomes. This assessment is practical pass/ fail.

The student is required to complete a 2000-word reflective account of an activity related to one of the NMC proficiencies completed in supervised practice. The reflective account should include a summary of the activity, the learning achieved and the changes or improvement to practice as a result of the reflection.


Learning Outcomes
  • Demonstrate professional, autonomous and accountable practice, adopting an inclusive approach to care at all times.
  • Demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of the principles and concepts underpinning a range of research methods in relation to specialist community nursing. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of the proficiencies for registration as a Community Nurse Specialist Practitioner in line with the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s Standards of Proficiency for Community Nursing Specialist Practice Qualifications (2022).
  • Demonstrate proactive and innovative practice, recognising the legal, regulatory and governance processes within the specialist field of community nursing. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to reflect on and implement any necessary change to their practice through the application of evidence-based and research-informed approaches.

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Course Leader
Name: Mrs Theresa Titchener
Tel: 01707 824800
Name: Allison Riley
Tel: 01707 824800
Learner Hours
Scheduled 24 Independent 240 Practice Hours 1012
Mode of Delivery
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