Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Foundation Knowledge and Skills for General Practice | 7HSK2152 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Foundation Knowledge and Skills for General Practice | 7HSK2152 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
26/09/2024 | Semester A (7 skills days will be allocated for cervical screening, wound care, travel, and child and adult immunisations, which are in addition to the scheduled taught days.) | Available
26/09/2024, 03/10/2024, 10/10/2024, 17/10/2024, 24/10/2024, 31/10/2024, 07/11/2024, 14/11/2024, 21/11/2024, 28/11/2024, 05/12/2024
23/01/2025 | Semester B (7 skills days will be allocated for cervical screening, wound care, travel, and child and adult immunisations, which are in addition to the scheduled taught days.) | Available
23/01/2025, 30/01/2025, 06/02/2025, 13/02/2025, 20/02/2025, 27/02/2025, 06/03/2025, 13/03/2025, 20/03/2025, 27/03/2025
** Applications will ordinarily close 2 days before start date of a course.

  • HSCSNGPPGD - Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing (General Practice Nursing) & Pg Dip Specialist Community Nursing with Integrated Prescribing (General Practice Nursing)

The aim of this module is to introduce students to their role in general practice.  Throughout the module, there will be an emphasis on health promotion and screening as well as the management of long-term conditions.  There will be a focus on consultation and communication skills to build confidence in building rapport with people seeking care across the lifespan.


100% coursework.

Students will be required to complete a case study.



Learning Outcomes

·        Demonstrate a critical understanding of the roles, structure and function of general practice services and their impact on individual and community health.

·        Critically evaluate disease prevention strategies in primary care to support changes to behaviours and lifestyle to improve life expectancy of individuals with long-term conditions.

·        Demonstrate an understanding of health promotion and screening in preventing health issues and supporting individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

·        Apply systematic and evidence-based approaches to the management and promotion of health and well-being in people with long-term conditions at both individual and population health level.

·        Demonstrate an in-depth and critical understanding of the application of health policy and the application of this as a basis for care planning in the context of their clinical role.

·        Critically evaluate and apply evidence-based approaches to the provision of care within the general practice setting, working in partnership with people and their families/carers.

·        Demonstrate advanced communication strategies across primary, community and secondary care to facilitate seamless care for all people with long-term conditions and their families / carers.

·        Critically evaluate disease prevention strategies in primary care to support changes to behaviours and lifestyle to improve health and life expectancy of individuals.

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Course Leader
Name: Dawn Royall
Tel: 01707 824800
Name: Allison Riley
Tel: 01707 824800
Learner Hours
Scheduled 123 Independent 177
Mode of Delivery
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