Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Complex Contemporary Issues in Safeguarding Children | 7HSK2139 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Complex Contemporary Issues in Safeguarding Children | 7HSK2139 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
26/09/2024 | Semester A/B | Intake Closed
26/09/2024 (0900 - 1300), 03/10/2024 (0900 - 1300), 10/10/2024 (0900 - 1300), 17/10/2024 (0900 - 1300), 24/10/2024 (0900 - 1300), 31/10/2024 (0900 - 1300), 07/11/2024 (0900 - 1300), 14/11/2024 (0900 - 1300), 21/11/2024 (0900 - 1300), 28/11/2024 (0900 - 1300), 05/12/2024 (0900 - 1300), 23/01/2025 (0900 - 1300), 30/01/2025 (0900 - 1300), 06/02/2025 (0900 - 1300), 13/02/2025 (0900 - 1300), 20/02/2025 (0900 - 1300), 27/02/2025 (0900 - 1300), 06/03/2025 (0900 - 1300), 13/03/2025 (0900 - 1300), 20/03/2025 (0900 - 1300), 27/03/2025 (0900 - 1300), 04/04/2025 (0900 - 1300)
** Applications will ordinarily close 14 days before start date of a course.

  • HSCPHHVPGD - PgDip Specialist Community Public Health Nursing - Health Visiting
  • HSCPHSNPGD - PgDip Specialist Community Public Health Nursing - School Nursing

This module aims to equip specialist community public health nursing students with a comprehensive understanding of child safeguarding. This module emphasises adopting health and trauma-informed approaches to address the multifaceted aspects of child safeguarding. It strives to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of safeguarding and nurturing children.

By delving deeper into this domain, students will gain the expertise needed to effectively respond to the intricate challenges of safeguarding children. Students will explore the legal frameworks, policies, and procedures that underpin child safeguarding, ensuring they are well-versed in the relevant laws and regulations.


There are two parts to this assessment.


Child Protection report Pass/Fail.

Essay of supporting commentary to the safeguarding report.


Both parts of the assessment must be passed to achieve an overall pass for the module.


UH College Lane - Hatfield
Learning Outcomes

·         Critically assess the effectiveness of statutory and policy frameworks aimed at safeguarding children and young people against harm, abuse, and exploitation, with a focus on intergenerational cycles of adversity from a health perspective.


·         Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary child safeguarding issues and their influence on specialised community public health nursing practice in light of emerging trends in child safeguarding research and literature.


·         Demonstrate an in-depth and critical understanding of research and evidence-based knowledge on evaluating the vulnerabilities, past traumas, or imminent risk of harm and abuse in children, young people, and their families across diverse scenario.


·         Evaluate and analyse tools for the identification and assessment of child abuse and neglect demonstrating an understanding of their strengths, limitations and implications within diverse contexts.


·         Demonstrate the ability to facilitate cross-agency collaboration in the observation, assessment, and response to concerns regarding a child or  young  person, whether they are new cases or already known, who are at risk of significant harm, and oversee the continuation of child safeguarding procedures within their scope of practice.


·         Demonstrate adaptability to adapt to diverse settings and intricate scenarios by employing trauma-informed techniques to pinpoint and advocate for families facing the highest risks.


·         Demonstrate advanced capabilities when safeguarding the needs and rights of children and young people throughout the safeguarding process, including addressing potential conflicts and challenges related to capacity, consent, and confidentiality.

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Course Leader
Name: Mrs Theresa Titchener
Tel: 01707 285929
Name: Allison Riley
Tel: 01707 824800
Learner Hours
300 hours - 50 hours scheduled - 250 hours Independent
Mode of Delivery
Face to Face
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