Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Population Health Across the Lifespan | 7HSK2137 | Level Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Population Health Across the Lifespan | 7HSK2137 | Level Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
26/09/2024 | Semester A/B | Intake Closed
26/09/2024 (1300 - 1600), 03/10/2024 (1300 - 1600), 10/10/2024 (1300 - 1600), 17/10/2024 (1300 - 1600), 24/10/2024 (1300 - 1600), 31/10/2024 (1300 - 1600), 07/11/2024 (1300 - 1600), 14/11/2024 (1300 - 1600), 21/11/2024 (1300 - 1600), 28/11/2024 (1300 - 1600), 05/12/2024 (1300 - 1600), 23/01/2025 (1300 - 1600), 30/01/2025 (1300 - 1600), 06/02/2025 (1300 - 1600), 13/02/2025 (1300 - 1600), 20/02/2025 (1300 - 1600), 27/02/2025 (1300 - 1600), 06/03/2025 (1300 - 1600), 13/03/2025 (1300 - 1600), 20/03/2025 (1300 - 1600), 27/03/2025 (1300 - 1600), 04/04/2025 (1300 - 1600)
** Applications will ordinarily close 14 days before start date of a course.

  • HSCPHHVPGD - PgDip Specialist Community Public Health Nursing - Health Visiting
  • HSCPHSNPGD - PgDip Specialist Community Public Health Nursing - School Nursing

This module sits within the Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Programme. The module is one of six modules developed to meet the NMC Standards for Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (NMC 2022)


The module will enable the students to critically examine and develop awareness of the fundamental concepts of public health and health promotion. Students will acquire skills in assessing and analysing population data within their specific field of practice enabling them to identify health needs and formulate interventions for addressing current public health challenges.


The module will also consider the intricate interplay between the needs of the populations, the allocation of resources and the commissioning of services all within the framework of existing legislative guidelines demonstrating a commitment to human rights.


In addition, it will identify gaps in research, evidence, and policy that impact on public health nursing practice and influence how to address them.



Must be a student on the Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Programme.


Coursework 100% 


Community Health Profile: Develop a community health profile for the population in which they work either health visiting or school nursing.

Practice Assessment Document Pass/Fail

All summative proficiencies must be achieved.  There must be a signature as confirmation by the Practice Assessor and Academic Assessor that all the required standards of proficiency for entry to the NMC register have been achieved.  All required proficiencies MUST be achieved for successful completion of the module.

UH College Lane - Hatfield
Learning Outcomes

·         Demonstrate a critical understanding of relevant public health data and theoretical frameworks to evaluate the impact of public health policies on health.


·         Evaluate the principles and factors influencing population health.


·         Critically appraise relevant theoretical models to explain health and health inequalities.


·         Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of the wider determinants of health.


·         Develop a health needs profile of a local population through the critical analysis of data for health improvement.


·         Critically evaluate health needs assessment as a method for engaging people who use the service in the strategic planning of initiatives and services aimed at enhancing health and preventing diseases within communities.


·         Demonstrate a range of approaches for impacting public health strategies through collaboration with stakeholders.

Course Notes


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Course Leader
Name: Mrs Theresa Titchener
Tel: 01707 285929
Name: Allison Riley
Tel: 01707 824800
Learner Hours
60 hours taught - 240 hours Independent - 1010 hours placement
Mode of Delivery
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