Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Leading Innovation in Community Healthcare | 7HSK2132 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Leading Innovation in Community Healthcare | 7HSK2132 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
24/01/2025 | Semester B | Available
24/01/2025 (0900 - 1300), 31/01/2025 (0900 - 1300), 07/02/2025 (0900 - 1300), 14/02/2025 (0900 - 1300), 21/02/2025 (0900 - 1300), 28/02/2025 (0900 - 1300), 07/03/2025 (0900 - 1300), 14/03/2025 (0900 - 1300), 21/03/2025 (0900 - 1300), 28/03/2025 (0900 - 1300), 04/04/2025 (0900 - 1300)
** Applications will ordinarily close 14 days before start date of a course.

  • HSCPHHVPGD - PgDip Specialist Community Public Health Nursing - Health Visiting
  • HSCPHSNPGD - PgDip Specialist Community Public Health Nursing - School Nursing

The aims of this module are to enable students to take the lead in the rapidly changing diverse health and public health landscape while cultivating a culture of compassion, unwavering commitment to human rights, and health equity in their leadership approach.

Students will acquire the essential skills and knowledge necessary to champion innovative solutions and implement influential policy changes in the field of children, young people and adults.

Furthermore, the module aims to encourage active community involvement, streamline project development, and nurture the creation of proficient teams that can maintain high quality standards and improve the results of population health initiatives. Additionally, the module strives to instil a strong dedication to data driven decision making and financial proficiency among public health nurses and specialist practice community nurses, all within the framework of sustainable innovation.


Assessment: Presentation of an innovation which they could take forward and implement in practice 70% 


Reflective account of leadership 30% 


UH College Lane - Hatfield
Learning Outcomes

·         Critically assess and demonstrate the development of a high level of communication skills for effective leadership.


·         Evaluate the application of leadership including compassionate leadership principles, recognising human rights’ relevance, co-designing public health priorities, and building community partnerships.


·         Critically analyse and examine the promotion of innovation and autonomy in public health and community care.


·         To critically assess the necessary change management process during innovation and the importance of actively engaging stakeholder.


·         Demonstrate the ability to analyse the strategic influence of public health policy, policy impact assessments, raising awareness, and employing persuasive strategies for stakeholders’ engagement.


·         Demonstrate the ability to analyse data, policy evaluation, and stakeholder engagement, showcasing effective leadership.

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Course Leader
Name: Mrs Theresa Titchener
Tel: 01707 285929
Name: Allison Riley
Tel: 01707 824800
Learner Hours
300 hours - 35 taught - 270 hours Independent
Mode of Delivery
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