Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Quality Governance in Healthcare - MODULE NOT RUNNING IN 2024/25 | 7HSK2131 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Quality Governance in Healthcare - MODULE NOT RUNNING IN 2024/25 | 7HSK2131 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
At this time, no start dates are available during 2024/25


This is a 30 credit inter professional module for nurse, Midwives Allied Health Professionals and Social Workers understand and apply the theory and principles of quality governance in a healthcare or social care setting. The key quality governance domains will be explored and how these interface, to achieve a health service that is well led, responsive, caring, effective and safe. This module will equip students to ensure the quality governance framework is reflective of the wider health agenda and meets the needs of the service user.  


The learning outcomes for this module will be achieved through exposure to and participation in a range of quality governance related practice experiences in addition to lectures, workshop activities, debate and student led critical discussions. This module is an inter- professional, collaborative module that will enable students to learn from other professionals of the multi-disciplinary team, giving exposure to quality governance issues across an organisation and the wider health are setting both locally and nationally. This will contribute to the student’s understanding of the application of the quality governance framework in health care settings and how the service user’s experience can be affected by this.  


During the module students are expected to access a variety of practice experiences to acquire a deeper knowledge and understanding quality governance framework. 


 Topics that may be covered include:  


Continuous Improvement Approach, Improvement Methodologies, Audit,  Effectiveness of Care, Mitigation and Escalation of Risk, Learning from Incidents, Staff training, Compassionate  Leadership, Outcomes, Policies and Guidelines, Patient Experience and Involvement in Service Design, Management of Complaints and Concerns, Staff Voice and the Needs of The Workforce , NHS Outcomes Framework, Human Factors, Organisational Culture, Psychological Safety, Empowerment, Health Advocacy, Profession Specific Reports, Healthcare Regulation, Professional Standards and Regulation, Sustainable Use of Resources, Health Qualities, Role of the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB), The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) 



Students will need to be employed in or have regular access to a relevant practice area.    



Multiple elements / patchwork text.


There are 5 elements to the assessment of this module.


Portfolio of X4 elements each that address an aspect of the quality governance framework.  


5th - Written submission of 2000 – 2500 words demonstrating critical reflection of the interface of the domains of quality governance. 




Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding  


Successful students will typically:

  1. Critically evaluate the role of quality governance in promoting and maintaining safe, effective, caring, responsive, well led, high quality health and social care. 
  2. Critically examine and evaluate the risks, challenges, opportunities and benefits that arise from relationships between service users, stake holders and organisations involved in healthcare delivery.  
  3. Appraise the impact of the quality governance framework on the organisational learning and culture, both locally and nationally

Intellectual, Practical and Transferable Skills  


Successful students will typically:    

  1. Examine and apply the role and application of leadership theory and approaches in the provision of effective quality governance in health and social care environments.
  2. Interpret and critically analyse data from within the quality governance framework to deliver a safe, effective high-quality patient experience.
  3. Appraise the development and maintenance of effective partnership working with patients, carers and members of the multi-professional team.



Course Notes

What our students say:

"Very exciited about starting this new module, this course is very much needed"

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Course Leader
Name: Debbie Sharp
Tel: 01707 285845
Name: Tracey Williamson
Tel: 01707 824800


The price quoted above is per 30 credits and relates to students assessed as UK/home self-funded for fee purposes. Prices may differ for students that are assessed as EU/Overseas. Fees status will normally stay with the student for the remainder of their course. Here you can find further details along with, costs and when your fees need to be paid. You may be able to obtain a Post Graduate student loan, for which you must sign up for the whole MSc programme and not just individual modules or a Post Graduate Diploma, further details can be found at Gov.uk Master’s Loan

Learner Hours
Scheduled: 42 hours Independent: 258 hours
Mode of Delivery
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