Life & Medical Sciences
Application Portal
Technology Enhanced Learning | 7LMS0182 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Life & Medical Sciences
Application Portal
Technology Enhanced Learning | 7LMS0182 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
09/10/2024 | Semester A | Available
09/10/2024 (Online), 30/10/2024 (Online), 13/11/2024 (Online), 11/12/2024 (Online)
12/02/2025 | Semester B | Available
12/02/2025 (Online), 26/02/2025 (Online), 11/03/2025 (Online), 08/04/2025 (Online)

  • LMHMSIMSC - MSc Health and Medical Simulation/PG Cert in Health and Medical Simulation
  • LMHMEMSC - MSc/PG Cert Health and Medical Education

Module Aims:

The aims of this module are to enable students to locate, analyse and develop digital technologies to support learning and teaching in healthcare.

Module Content: 

This module is intended to develop and support students in the use of common technologies in medical education. 

Using, analysing and developing learning and teaching activities are integral to this module and therefore, to better prepare students for this potentially challenging aspect of this module, a significant amount of content will be delivered using a technology enhanced learning approach. This will be via a combination of e-learning and mobile learning and shared site communication. The virtual learning platform, Studynet, will feature heavily in this module. 

Further Details

Technology enhanced learning is a new and emerging innovative approach to learning and teaching in healthcare. The key healthcare recommendations, that centres around improving patient outcomes, safety and experience, are embedded throughout this module. This module will develop health and care professionals in their use of technologies in their learning and teaching strategies. 

Typical module content may include: Educational pedagogy an online mediated learning, common virtual learning platforms (such as StudyNet, Moodle, Blackboard), E (electronic) learning, M (mobile) learning, web site development, MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), web sharing sites (such as YouTube and Vimeo), social networking sites (such as Twitter and Facebook), applications and electronic voting systems.

Teaching will be conducted over four on-line sessions supported by a group assessment tutorial and one-to-one tutorials.


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Course Leader
Name: Yasmin Khatib
Tel: 01707 285206
Name: Donna Rowsell
Tel: 01707 284800


he price quoted above is per 30 credits and relates to self-funding students assessed as UK students for fee purposes Prices may differ for students that are assessed as Overseas, or for returning students that are on a course leading to an award award e.g. MSc as module fees stay the same as they were in your year of entry to the programme. Click here for Fees and Funding information or email us. To obtain a PG student loan, you must sign up for the whole MSc programme and not just an individual module.

Mode of Delivery
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