Life & Medical Sciences
Application Portal
Recognition and Management of Skin Lesions | 7LMS0172 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Life & Medical Sciences
Application Portal
Recognition and Management of Skin Lesions | 7LMS0172 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
03/10/2024 | Semester A | Available
03/10/2024 (Face to Face - 0900-1700), 04/10/2024 (Face to Face - 0900-1700), 21/11/2024 (Online - 0900-1700), 22/11/2024 (Online - 0900-1700), 06/12/2024 (Face to Face - 0900-1700), 24/01/2025 (Assessment - Face to Face - 0900-1600 )

  • LMSLMSC - MSc Skin Lesion Management
  • LMCDMSC - MSc Clinical Dermatology

Before an application is made you need to have confirmation of place being available to you, therefore please contact Kathy Radley via email in the first instance - K.Radley@herts.ac.uk 

This module enables clinicians to develop & consolidate skills in recognition and management of a variety of benign & malignant skin lesions. Assessment allows critical analysis of diagnostic skills & practice & critically examines patient & practice issues associated with recognition and management of skin lesions. The course is taught by experienced clinicians together with a variety of external subject specialists. Proficiency is developed during a period of supervised clinical practice & competency is assessed using a structured OSCE & development of a practice portfolio.

This module enables health professionals to develop and consolidate skills in recognition and management of a variety of skin lesions and associated conditions and is suitable for medical and non-medical practitioners in secondary care dermatology and primary care settings.

The emphasis of the course is to develop and consolidate good diagnostic skills and appropriate and timely management of skin lesions.

• Epidemiology of commonly occurring skin lesions

• Aetiology/histopathology of benign and malignant skin lesions

• Skin assessment

• Diagnostic skills and practical treatment options

• Skin lesion care pathways in the context of national guidance (NICE)

• Record keeping, photography and digital imaging

• Medico-legal and other professional issues.

Study Route: This module is compulsory for the MSc Skin Lesion Management programme and will be of interest to health care professionals who want to develop and consolidate skills in recognition and diagnosis of skin lesions such as GPs, GP registrars, experienced dermatology and skin cancer nurse specialists, community, and cancer clinicians

You will be required to identify a suitable practice supervisor who must be a registered practitioner with current knowledge and experience in diagnosis and management of benign and malignant skin lesions.

Please note that  Kathy Radley is Admissions/Programme Leader for MSc Skin lesion Management - k.radley@herts.ac.uk - the Module Leader is Jemma Coleman j.coleman3@herts.ac.uk


1. 1 years' full-time experience (or equivalent) within a relevant field of practice 

2. Must have professional registration in the UK to undertake assessments of patents with skin lesions and employment in an appropriate area of practice with access to patients with both benign and malignant skin lesions. 

3. Identification of a suitable practice supervisor who must be a registered practitioner with current knowledge and experience of diagnosing patients with benign and malignant skin lesions.

Participants will need previous and ongoing access to large numbers of patients with skin lesions as a log diary of a minimum of 50 patients during the study period which will form an essential part of the assessment. You will be required to identify a suitable practice supervisor who must be a registered practitioner with current knowledge/experience in diagnosis and managment of benign and malignant skin lesions. These pre-requisites form part of the module entry criteria so that students studying the MSc Clinical Dermatology who meet them may also access this module.





Skin Lesion Clinical Portfolio - 100%

Practical OSCE: Visual recognition of lesions - Pass/Fail

Both parts of the assessment must be passed separately to achieve an overall module pass


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Course Leader
Name: Kathy Radley
Tel: 01707 284898
Name: Donna Rowsell
Tel: 01707 284800


The price relates to self-funding students assessed as UK/Home students for fee purposes. Click here for Fees and Funding information or email us.

Mode of Delivery
Blended Learning
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