Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Supporting Practice Education | 7HSK2153 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Supporting Practice Education | 7HSK2153 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
27/03/2025 | Semester B | Limited Availability
27/03/2025 (1000-1600 - Online), 10/04/2025 (1000 - 1600 - Online), 07/05/2025 (1000 - 1600 - Online), 21/05/2025 (1000 - 1600 - Online), 04/06/2025 (1000 - 1600 - Online), 18/06/2025 (1000 - 1600 - Online), 02/07/2025 (1000 - 1600 - Online), 16/07/2025 (1000 - 1600 - Online (Assessment))
** Applications will ordinarily close 14 days before start date of a course.

  • HSMIRSM - MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences – Advanced Radiotherapy and Oncology Practice
  • HSAPPM - MSc Advanced Paramedic Practice
  • HSPEHCPGC - Pg Cert in Practice Education in Health and Care


This module has been developed to support practitioners in their role as educators and assessors. It is suitable for any health or social care professional who has a practice supervisor role and is intended to develop skills in providing education within the practice environment. 

The aim of the module is to develop the appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills to supervise others in their professional learning within the practice setting.

This module explores the application of the skills of mentorship, supervision and teaching within the practice environment. The application of the theories of teaching and learning, models of supervision and learning are explored, identifying evidence and using evidence for best effect.

Teaching sessions and a work-based portfolio will be used to develop the students' understanding of learning and the factors which influence individual learning. These will include learning styles; reflection; facilitating development; creating a learning environment; models of supervision; assessment; evaluation and managing challenges faced by learners in practice. Students will be required to draw upon their practical experience and theoretical knowledge to discuss, develop and evaluate their roles as facilitators of professional development in the work place. In addition to their personal development, all students must be responsible for the development of others over the duration of the module.

The course is delivered by online synchronous teaching sessions:  

Wednesday 27th March 2025 10-4
Wednesday 10th April 2025 10- 4
Wednesday 7th May 2025 10-4
Wednesday 21st May 2025 10-4
Wednesday 4th June 2025 10-4
Wednesday 18th June 2025 10-4
Wednesday 2nd July 2025 10-4
 Wednesday 16th July 2025 (Assessment) 10-4


When studied with the modules, 7HSK2085 Coaching Skills for Leading and 7HSK0267 Enabling Learning in Contemporary Healthcare this module forms part of the Postgraduate Certificate in Practice Education in Health and Care. 

The participant must be responsible for the development of others over the duration of the module. 


The assessment is 100% coursework consisting of a portfolio and oral assessment.

Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  •  Evaluate the evidence base for professional education in practice.
  • Analyse and synthesise information and create responses to individuals' personal learning needs and facilitate an inclusive learning nvironment.
  • Critically evaluate and apply educational principles to identify and interpret learning and assessment needs for all learners.
  • Engage in a critical community, facilitating reflection within self and others to enhance future practice as an educator.
  • Utilise evidence based practice to critically evaluate the effectiveness of existing learning experiences/resources within the practice setting and formulate action plan(s) to enhance and develop future learning in practice.






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Course Leader
Name: Louise Smith
Name: Allison Riley
Tel: 01707 284800


Face to Face Teaching
40 hours
Learner Hours
300 hours (40 scheduled 260 independent)
Mode of Delivery
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