Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Radiotherapy Breast Localisation | 7HSK2076 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Radiotherapy Breast Localisation | 7HSK2076 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
26/01/2025 | Semester B/C/A | Intake Closed
26/01/2025 (Online)

  • HSMIRSM - MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences – Advanced Radiotherapy and Oncology Practice


Please note that if you apply for this module, it may be necessary to process your registration under module code 7HSK2130. This will not affect the content studied nor the assessment methods, it is purely for our administrative purposes.  



This is a work-based learning module for therapeutic radiographers that can be studied on its own or as a module on the following educational pathways: 

• MSc / Pg. Dip / Pg Cert Advanced RT and Oncology Practice 

• MSc Advanced Practice 

• Pg Cert Pre-treatment 

Course Aim 

The aim of the course is to enable you to develop the necessary knowledge, understanding, clinical and evaluative skills required for the competent performance of independent breast localisation 


This module is designed around a work-based learning model, whereby students will learn independent breast localisation skills during a programme of supervised clinical practice. Their clinical learning will be supported by independent study of a range of learning materials so that they can develop clinical reasoning and justification skills and be able to reflect on and evaluate their own practice specifically with reference to independent breast localisation practice. 


Course content includes: 


It is expected that approximately two thirds of the learning in this module will be experiential and based on students’ clinical practice. Throughout, the student will be supervised to become competent in independent localisation of patients with breast cancer, in accordance with protocols in place in their place of employment. Students must be fully conversant with the scope of local protocols before commencing the module. 

Clinical learning will be supported by adoption of an inquiry-based approach allowing students to critically evaluate and analyse the relevant evidence base. The range of topics covered is likely to include, but not be limited to:  
Holistic approach to individual patient management;  
Anatomy, physiology and pathology of the breast and region, including the lymphatic system;  
Imaging and diagnostic procedures;  
The place of radiotherapy within the management of primary breast cancers;  
Quality, professional, legal and ethical issues associated with role extension and practice;  
Advanced communication and decision-making skills;  
Localisation, planning and dosimetry and radiotherapy techniques for primary breast tumours;  
Treatment prescription and radiobiology, acute and chronic radiation side-effects;  
Rehabilitation and survivorship issues, including management of long-term side effects and palliative care;  
A selection of appropriate resources are available to the student via the virtual learning environment (VLE) and it is expected that the student will supplement with their own background research. Tutor support will be by student request. Module tutors will use the VLE module site for communication and monitoring to ensure and encourage student engagement 


Coursework 1, 100%  


6000 word equivalent portfolio of professional practice (typically practice based tasks and critical reflections)  
Coursework (Pass/fail)  

Portfolio of professional practice (competencies)  

All individual elements of assessment must be passed.  


A clinical placement in a radiotherapy localisation suite and supervision by a suitably qualified and experienced radiotherapy health professional are required to fulfil the clinical practice requirement of the module.  A minimum of 2 years post-qualification experience is recommended. 

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding  

Successful students will typically...  

Demonstrate a systematic and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the principles on which independent localisation of primary breast tumours are based;    

Reflect on and critically evaluate their own practice in order to demonstrate the clinical reasoning, justification and decision making undertaken in the radiotherapy localisation of primary breast tumours 


Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes 

Successful students will typically...   

Synthesise evidence and demonstrate clinical expertise in radiotherapy localisation of primary breast tumours.      

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Course Leader
Tel: 4556
Name: Donna Rowsell
Tel: 01707 284800


Learner Hours
Scheduled Hours - 10, Independent Hours - 90, Placement Hours - Work Based Learning 200-
Mode of Delivery
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