Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Research Project | 7HSK2048 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
Health & Social Work
Application Portal
Research Project | 7HSK2048 | Level 7 | Credits 30 | 2024/25
16/10/2024 | Semester A/B - Online delivery | Intake Closed
16/10/2024, 22/01/2025, 20/03/2025
** Applications will ordinarily close 14 days before start date of a course.

  • HSMIRSM - MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences – Advanced Radiotherapy and Oncology Practice
  • HHMWHMMSC - MSc Midwifery and Women’s Health
  • HHMPHYMSC - MSc Advanced Physiotherapy
  • HHCONMSC - MSc Contemporary Nursing
  • HSASWPM - MSc Advanced Social Work Practice
  • HSAPPM - MSc Advanced Paramedic Practice
  • HSMIRSM - MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences: Medical Ultrasound
  • HSMIRSM - MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences: Clinical Radiographic Reporting
  • HSCBTM - MSc Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Top-up)


This course is for paramedics, physiotherapists, radiographers, radiotherapists, nurses and midwives who have successfully completed master’s level research methods and preparation for research project modules and who wish to undertake a piece of original research in order to complete their Master’s award.   

Students will have been provided with support to refine their research question and developed their methodology in the Preparation for Research Project module. They will be advised not to deviate significantly from the work developed in this prior module. Students must produce an individual written piece of work. 


Support for ethical approval will be provided if necessary. You will receive support with statistical analysis including access and support to SPSS if required. You will also receive assistance with publication and presentation of completed work where appropriate.  


Course enquires are to your programme lead: 






You must have passed Research Methods (7HSK0308 or 7HSK2078 or equivalent) and Preparation for Research Project (7HSK2049) in order to study this module.


You will produce an individually written piece of work to address a research question. This can be done by a range of options including quantitative research, qualitative research, mixed methods study, systematic review, literature review, retrospective data analysis, audit or evaluation of a health or social care innovation. 

Learning Outcomes

The aims of this course are to enable you to undertake a research project in an area relating to your professional practice in order to advance your profession development and contribute to the research evidence base. 


Students will typically: 


1. Understand the critical application of suitable methods of analysis to the research data. 


2. Undertake a research project with appropriate and achievable aims and objectives.


3. Undertake appropriate data analysis, recognising the factors which affect the quality of health and social care research. 


4. Synthesise and coherently present research findings.

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Course Leader
Name: Louise Smith
Name: Eleena Ehiosun
Tel: 01707 284800


The price quoted above is per 30 credits in this academic year. This price relates to self-funding students assessed as UK students for fee purposes. Prices may differ for students that are assessed as EU/Overseas, or for returning students that are on a course leading to an award. Click here for Fees and Funding information or email us.

Learner Hours
Scheduled 14 hours & Independent 286 hours
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