This programme follows in the tradition of 2 decades of successful sexual health programmes at the University Greenwich. The Post Graduate Certificate follows the requirements of the Advanced Standards for Education and Training (ASET), of the UK Association of Forensic Nurses and Paramedics (UKAFNP). It is essentially for those working in custody or across sexual offences' services. It comprises of three core modules, spread across one year (September – August; January – December):
The programme supports HCPs working in custody or sexual offences' services, developing and promoting their role in advanced-level practice, and can lead into further academic developments, such as a Post Graduate Diploma, various Masters' programmes and doctoral research (PhD /EdD).
What you should know about this course:
Prior learning is built on the “additional entry requirements”, as compulsory.
There are two summative (marked) assessments per module, with the programme underpinned by the UKANP Competencies document, for practice development and sign-off. The formative development of each module gives direct teaching and practice on how to effectively carry out the summative assignments. These assignments are:
Clinical assessment for advanced forensic practice
Legal Skills for Health Care Professionals
Managing Complexity for Care
The course team
The core team of teachers and range of expert others are here to support you at every step of your journey with us. The programme leader (and ‘Leading and Managing Complexity in Care’) is Prof David Evans, an OBE “for services to nursing and sexual health education”. ‘Clinical Assessment for Advanced Forensic Practice’ is led by Liam Hamilton, a Simulation Fellow and Paramedic with current forensic expertise, qualifications and regular practice. Prof Stacy Banwell is professor in criminology. Stacy, an internationally recognised expert in her field, is module lead for ‘Legal Skills for Health Care Professionals’. We are supported with the integral and expert contribution from Eoin Bradley, Professional Development and Education Lead for HCPs, Met Det, Metropolitan Police Service.
Overall Workload
Equivalent to one full day most weeks, comprising of: