Health & Social Sciences
Application Portal
Practice Observation | HCPD7065 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2024/25
Health & Social Sciences
Application Portal
Practice Observation | HCPD7065 | Level 7 | Credits 20 | 2024/25
This course is available on request - please click on Enquire Button


The aim of this practice observation unit is to demonstrate that the student has met the required standards for practice at an appropriate level as identified by the professional bodies and in line with relevant professional standards and/or competencies. 

This could include NHS standards for professionals working in health and social care and also the BASW Professional Capabilities Framework and /or SWE Professional Standards for social workers. 

The aim of this unit is for students to engage in a critically reflective process which increases self-awareness, allows students to reflect on their own behaviour, biases, interactions, communication skills and overall effectiveness in their role(s) and supports the development of professional practice. 

This unit can be undertaken as part of the MA Leading and Developing Services programme.

Students can be observed undertaking a range of activities including (but not exclusively):

  • Supervision 
  • Leading a team meeting
  • Supervising a student
  • Attending or leading multi-agency meetings and / or panels
  • Line management meetings
  • Practice with service users / patients 
  • Running a training session
  • Attending resource panels
  • Interviewing / recruitment panels
  • Managing complex case work

Normally students may enter Level 7 study if they have been awarded:

  • Undergraduate degree (honours or non-honours)
  • An equivalent qualification (the learning outcome of which are demonstrably appropriate in terms of knowledge, understanding and skills) equivalent to 120 credits at Level 6.

If you do not meet this criteria you are still able to apply for this unit but we may ask you to complete a study skills handbook to familiarise yourself with academic writing at masters level or pre-admission work. This will be sent to you when we have received your application form.

Fees and funding:

You will need to pay or indicate employer support of payment for unit or course fees to the university.

Applicants should contact their employing organisation for further details.

Pre-purchased places

The Faculty of Health & Social Sciences has contractual arrangements with NHS organisations, Local Authorities and the Pan-Dorset & Wiltshire Teaching Partnership for pre-paid places on specified modules. If you work within Dorset, Wiltshire and Somerset or Hampshire and Isle of Wight you may be able to access the pre-paid places. These arrangements allow organisations to nominate the staff they wish to send on each unit or course.

The pre-arranged agreements allow individuals, such as yourself, a route to access appropriate professional development opportunities that are seen as strategically important to your organisation (in consultation with your Line Manager/Education Co-ordinator). All requests for pre-paid places must first be agreed by your organisation prior to completing an application.


Coursework equivalent to 3000 words. 

Evidence will be submitted in the form of a portfolio which should contain:


  • A signed testimony and/or practice observation report/s. This evidences the assessment of ILOs 1-3 through observed practice.
  • A reflective assignment (2,000 words) that evidences ILO4.  


Students will normally be observed on at least two occasions. The coursework will require a reflective analysis of the observations of practice, critically analysing methods and approaches, making links to theory and research.

Bournemouth University, Lansdowne Campus
Learning Outcomes

Having completed this unit the student is expected to demonstrate:

1. Capacity to perform consistently within the core values and skill base that underpin the principles of ethical professional practice (including those which facilitate partnerships with service users, relatives, carers, and other professionals). 

2. Capability in the support of service users with complex needs and in a context of risk, uncertainty and conflict. 

3. Competence in professional practice in accordance with the requirements of the professional/statutory regulatory authorities. 

4. Critical reflection and evaluation of their own practice, application of theory etc, and impact on others.

Course Notes

Course review:

In order to take advantage of new approaches to learning and teaching, as well as developments in practice to benefit our students we regularly review all of our courses. This course is currently going through this process and we will update this page to give you full information about what we will be offering once the review process has concluded.  These changes will come into effect for all new students from September 2025. Applicants will be notified by our admissions team of any changes.

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